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write a poem in iambic meter in a depressive minor key on the topic summer rain fell on a foggy morning
Summer rain fell on a foggy morning,
As I lay in bed, no signs of adorning,
The day ahead seemed bleak and forlorn,
My heart weighed heavy, like a stone.
The pitter-patter of the raindrops' sound,
Matched the rhythm of my heart's deep bound,
I longed to rise, but my spirit was drowned,
In a sea of sorrow, I couldn't come around.
The world outside, a blur in my mind,
The rain, the fog, all seemed unkind,
No ray of hope, no solace could I find,
My soul in turmoil, to peace resigned.
The rain continued, relentless and cold,
The fog thickened, my vision it stole,
The weight of sadness, too much to hold,
My heart shattered, a story untold.
Summer rain fell on a foggy morning,
As I lay in bed, no signs of adorning,
The day ahead se=== Текст ответа не полный, не ругайтесь, связь оборвалась (можете повторить этот вопрос через час) ===