Whaddaya Say? Guided Practice in Relaxed Speech

Whaddaya Say?, 2nd edition, by Nina Weinstein, helps intermediate to high-intermediate students understand English as it is really spoken. This easy-to-use listening program familiarizes students with the rapid speech commonly used in everyday life. In particular, the book introduces students to the most common reduced forms – such as *gonna (“going to” + verb), *wanna (natural speed pronunciation for “want to”), and *hafta (“have to”) – fully contextualized in conversations that are both practical and entertaining.
Using language students encounter in everyday situations, Whaddaya Say? explains the most common pronunciation changes that occur when English speakers talk at a natural speed. This allows all students to improve their comprehension of spoken English, both inside and outside the classroom.
Формат: книга в pdf
Для среднего уровня английского.
В книге 30 уроков.
Уроки построены по принципу: медленное произношение | быстрое произношение (как слышим) на примере разговорных топиков.
Реально помогают понимать беглую английскую речь.
Американский вариант
Кусочек урока 1:

Тему создаю первый раз, пожалуйста, подскажите, если что не так
Всем бобра!

Whaddaya Say?, 2nd edition, by Nina Weinstein, helps intermediate to high-intermediate students understand English as it is really spoken. This easy-to-use listening program familiarizes students with the rapid speech commonly used in everyday life. In particular, the book introduces students to the most common reduced forms – such as *gonna (“going to” + verb), *wanna (natural speed pronunciation for “want to”), and *hafta (“have to”) – fully contextualized in conversations that are both practical and entertaining.
Using language students encounter in everyday situations, Whaddaya Say? explains the most common pronunciation changes that occur when English speakers talk at a natural speed. This allows all students to improve their comprehension of spoken English, both inside and outside the classroom.
Формат: книга в pdf
Для среднего уровня английского.
В книге 30 уроков.
Уроки построены по принципу: медленное произношение | быстрое произношение (как слышим) на примере разговорных топиков.
Реально помогают понимать беглую английскую речь.
Американский вариант
Кусочек урока 1:

Для просмотра скрытого содержимого вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Тему создаю первый раз, пожалуйста, подскажите, если что не так
Всем бобра!