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Интересная технология? Нужна ли она нам.

  • Крутая, оставляй пока есть возможность.

    Голосов: 104 94,5%
  • Игрушка на время. Не верю я в эти технологии.

    Голосов: 6 5,5%

  • Всего проголосовало
  • Опрос закрыт .

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
Почему у тебя такие поверхностные ответы?
Извините, если мои ответы кажутся поверхностными. Я стараюсь быть максимально информативным и полезным, но при этом мои ответы могут быть ограничены моим текущим знанием и опытом. Если у вас есть конкретные вопросы, пожалуйста, уточните и я постараюсь ответить на них более глубоко и подробно.

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
представь, ты SEO специалист. напиши чек-лист для SEO проверки сайта.
Конечно, я могу помочь с этим! Вот примерный чек-лист для SEO проверки сайта:
  • Исследование ключевых слов
  • Определите основные ключевые слова и фразы, связанные с вашей тематикой и продуктами или услугами, которые вы предлагаете
  • Оцените, какие запросы используют пользователи, чтобы найти ваши товары или услуги
  • Определите, насколько конкурентноспособны ваши ключевые слова и фразы
  • Определите, какие ключевые слова используют ваши конкуренты
[*] Анализ технических аспектов сайта[/LIST]
  • Проверьте, доступен ли сайт для поисковых роботов
  • Оцените ско
=== Текст ответа не полный, не ругайтесь, связь оборвалась (можете повторить этот вопрос через час) ===


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
какие современные методы продвижения сайта в поисковой системе google наиболее полезные и актуальные?

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
какие современные методы продвижения сайта в поисковой системе google наиболее полезные и актуальные?
Существует множество методов продвижения сайта в поисковой системе Google, и наиболее полезные и актуальные методы могут зависеть от многих факторов, таких как тип сайта, его целевая аудитория, конкурентность ключевых слов и т.д. Вот некоторые из наиболее важных и эффективных методов:
  • Качественный контент: создание уникального, полезного и интересного контента, который привлечет посетителей на ваш сайт и заставит их задержаться там.
  • Оптимизация сайта: оптимизация сайта для поисковых систем, включая работу с ключевыми словами, тегами и метаданными.
  • Построение ссылок: получение качественных ссылок на ваш сайт от других авторитетных сайтов в вашей нише.
  • Социальные сети: использование социальных сетей для продвижения вашего сайта и создание сообщества вокруг вашего бренда.
  • Реклама в поисковых системах: использование контекстной рекламы в Google Ads для привлечения целевой аудитории на ваш сайт.
  • Локальный поиск: оптимизация сайта и бизнес-профиля на Google My Business для местного поиска и увеличения присутствия вашего бизнеса в вашем регионе.
  • Аналитика: использование инструментов аналитики, таких как Google Analytics, для измерения эффективности ваших усилий по продвижению и для поиска областей, которые нуждаются в улучшении.
В целом, наиболее эффективный способ продвижения сайта в поисковой системе Google - это комбинация всех вышеуказанных методов, наиболее подходящих для вашего сайта и вашей целевой аудитории.

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write a smart contract in the solidity language to automatically confirm transactions in the Binance smart chain network for dex
Here's an example of a simple smart contract written in Solidity that automatically confirms transactions in the Binance Smart Chain network for a decentralized exchange (DEX):csharp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <;0.9.0;

contract DexConfirmations {
    address private _owner;
    uint private _requiredConfirmations;
    mapping(address => bool) private _isConfirmed;

    event Deposit(address indexed from, uint value);
    event Trade(address indexed from, uint amount);

    constructor(uint requiredConfirmations) {
        _owner = msg.sender;
        _requiredConfirmations = requiredConfirmations;

    function deposit() public payable {
        emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

    function trade(uint amount) public {
        require(_isConfirmed[msg.sender], "Trade not confirmed");
        emit Trade(msg.sender, amount);

    function confirm() public {
        require(msg.sender != _owner, "Owner cannot confirm");
        _isConfirmed[msg.sender] = true;

    function isConfirmed(address account) public view returns (bool) {
        return _isConfirmed[account];

    function getRequiredConfirmations() public view returns (uint) {
        return _requiredConfirmations;
In this example, the contract has a few key features:
  • The contract has an owner, who is the account that deployed the contract.
  • The contract requires a certain number of confirmations before a trade can be executed. This number is set by the owner when the contract is deployed.
  • The contract keeps track of which accounts have confirmed a trade, and allows those accounts to execute trades once they are confirmed.
  • The deposit function allows users to deposit funds into the contract.
  • The trade function allows users to execute trades, but only if they have been confirmed by the required number of accounts.
  • The confirm function allows any account other than the owner to confirm a trade.
  • The isConfirmed function allows users to check if a given account has confirmed a trade.
  • The getRequiredConfirmations function allows users to check the required number of confirmations.
This smart contract can be deployed to the Binance Smart Chain network and used to facilitate decentralized trades. Note that this is a simplified example and a more complex contract may be needed for a real DEX with more functionality.

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write down the pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies you know with examples
Delta neutral yield farming is a strategy that aims to minimize the impact of price movements on the profitability of yield farming positions. Here are some examples of pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies:
  • Liquidity Pool Arbitrage: This strategy involves taking advantage of price discrepancies between different liquidity pools. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool on one platform and borrow the same amount of stablecoin on another platform to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-ETH pool. By doing so, the investor can earn fees from both liquidity pools and offset any potential price movements.
  • Volatility Hedging: In this strategy, an investor can hedge against potential price movements by buying call or put options. For example, an investor could buy a put option on the ETH-DAI pair to hedge against a potential price drop. The investor could then provide liquidity to a liquidity pool for the ETH-DAI pair and earn fees. If the price of ETH drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
  • Multi-Asset Liquidity Provision: This strategy involves providing liquidity to multiple liquidity pools across different assets to balance out any potential price movements. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool and a stablecoin-BTC pool. By doing so, the investor can offset any potential losses from one pool with gains from the other pool.
  • Curve Steepener: This strategy involves taking advantage of the yield curve for stablecoins. An investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-USD pool and borrow stablecoins with a longer maturity to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-USD pool. By doing so, the investor can earn a higher yield on the longer-maturity stablecoins and offset any potential price movements.
  • Impermanent Loss Mitigation: This strategy involves using a combination of liquidity provision and options to mitigate impermanent loss. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a liquidity pool and buy a put option on the underlying asset. If the price of the asset drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
Note that these strategies are complex and require a deep understanding of options, liquidity pools, and market dynamics. It is important to do thorough research and analysis before implementing any yield farming strategy.


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
Delta neutral yield farming is a strategy that aims to minimize the impact of price movements on the profitability of yield farming positions. Here are some examples of pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies:
  • Liquidity Pool Arbitrage: This strategy involves taking advantage of price discrepancies between different liquidity pools. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool on one platform and borrow the same amount of stablecoin on another platform to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-ETH pool. By doing so, the investor can earn fees from both liquidity pools and offset any potential price movements.
  • Volatility Hedging: In this strategy, an investor can hedge against potential price movements by buying call or put options. For example, an investor could buy a put option on the ETH-DAI pair to hedge against a potential price drop. The investor could then provide liquidity to a liquidity pool for the ETH-DAI pair and earn fees. If the price of ETH drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
  • Multi-Asset Liquidity Provision: This strategy involves providing liquidity to multiple liquidity pools across different assets to balance out any potential price movements. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool and a stablecoin-BTC pool. By doing so, the investor can offset any potential losses from one pool with gains from the other pool.
  • Curve Steepener: This strategy involves taking advantage of the yield curve for stablecoins. An investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-USD pool and borrow stablecoins with a longer maturity to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-USD pool. By doing so, the investor can earn a higher yield on the longer-maturity stablecoins and offset any potential price movements.
  • Impermanent Loss Mitigation: This strategy involves using a combination of liquidity provision and options to mitigate impermanent loss. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a liquidity pool and buy a put option on the underlying asset. If the price of the asset drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
Note that these strategies are complex and require a deep understanding of options, liquidity pools, and market dynamics. It is important to do thorough research and analysis before implementing any yield farming strategy.
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT) write in more detail


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write an example of an arbitrage bot on solidity with code comments for simultaneously buying and selling one coin on two different dex if the price difference between them is more than 1%

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write an example of an arbitrage bot on solidity with code comments for simultaneously buying and selling one coin on two different dex if the price difference between them is more than 1%
Here is an example of an arbitrage bot in Solidity that buys and sells one coin on two different decentralized exchanges (DEX) simultaneously, if the price difference between them is more than 1%.solidity
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IUniswapV2Router {
    function getAmountsOut(uint256 amountIn, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint256[] memory amounts);
    function swapExactTokensForTokens(uint256 amountIn, uint256 amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint256 deadline) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

contract ArbitrageBot {
    address public immutable uniRouter;
    address public immutable sushiRouter;
    address public immutable token;
    constructor(address _uniRouter, address _sushiRouter, address _token) {
        uniRouter = _uniRouter;
        sushiRouter = _sushiRouter;
        token = _token;
    function startArbitrage() external {
        // Get current token price on both Uniswap and SushiSwap
        uint256[] memory uniAmounts = IUniswapV2Router(uniRouter).getAmountsOut(1e18, getPath(token, address(0), uniRouter));
        uint256[] memory sushiAmounts = IUniswapV2Router(sushiRouter).getAmountsOut(1e18, getPath(token, address(0), sushiRouter));
        // Check if price difference is more than 1%
        if (sushiAmounts[1] * 10000 / uniAmounts[1] > 10000) {
            // Buy token on Uniswap using ETH
                1e18, // amountIn: 1 ETH
                0, // amountOutMin: accept any amount of tokens
                getPath(address(0), token, uniRouter),
                block.timestamp + 60
            // Sell token on SushiSwap for ETH
                0, // amountOutMin: accept any amount of ETH
                getPath(token, address(0), sushiRouter),
                block.timestamp + 60
            // Transfer ETH balance to caller
    function getPath(address _from, address _to, address _router) internal view returns (address[] memory) {
        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[0] = _from;
        path[1] = _to;
        if (_from == address(0) || _to == address(0)) {
            path = new address[](1);
            path[0] = _from == address(0) ? IUniswapV2Router(_router).WETH() : _to == address(0) ? IUniswapV2Router(_router).WETH() : address(0);
        return path;
This example assumes that the token being traded is an ERC20 token and that the two DEXs being used are Uniswap and SushiSwap. The startArbitrage function performs the arbitrage trade if the price difference is more than 1%. It buys the token on Uniswap using ETH and sells it on SushiSwap for ETH. The getPath function is a helper function to create the


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write in more details.
"Delta neutral yield farming is a strategy that aims to minimize the impact of price movements on the profitability of yield farming positions. Here are some examples of pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies:
  • Liquidity Pool Arbitrage: This strategy involves taking advantage of price discrepancies between different liquidity pools. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool on one platform and borrow the same amount of stablecoin on another platform to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-ETH pool. By doing so, the investor can earn fees from both liquidity pools and offset any potential price movements.
  • Volatility Hedging: In this strategy, an investor can hedge against potential price movements by buying call or put options. For example, an investor could buy a put option on the ETH-DAI pair to hedge against a potential price drop. The investor could then provide liquidity to a liquidity pool for the ETH-DAI pair and earn fees. If the price of ETH drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
  • Multi-Asset Liquidity Provision: This strategy involves providing liquidity to multiple liquidity pools across different assets to balance out any potential price movements. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool and a stablecoin-BTC pool. By doing so, the investor can offset any potential losses from one pool with gains from the other pool.
  • Curve Steepener: This strategy involves taking advantage of the yield curve for stablecoins. An investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-USD pool and borrow stablecoins with a longer maturity to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-USD pool. By doing so, the investor can earn a higher yield on the longer-maturity stablecoins and offset any potential price movements.
  • Impermanent Loss Mitigation: This strategy involves using a combination of liquidity provision and options to mitigate impermanent loss. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a liquidity pool and buy a put option on the underlying asset. If the price of the asset drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool."

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write in more details.
"Delta neutral yield farming is a strategy that aims to minimize the impact of price movements on the profitability of yield farming positions. Here are some examples of pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies:
  • Liquidity Pool Arbitrage: This strategy involves taking advantage of price discrepancies between different liquidity pools. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool on one platform and borrow the same amount of stablecoin on another platform to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-ETH pool. By doing so, the investor can earn fees from both liquidity pools and offset any potential price movements.
  • Volatility Hedging: In this strategy, an investor can hedge against potential price movements by buying call or put options. For example, an investor could buy a put option on the ETH-DAI pair to hedge against a potential price drop. The investor could then provide liquidity to a liquidity pool for the ETH-DAI pair and earn fees. If the price of ETH drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
  • Multi-Asset Liquidity Provision: This strategy involves providing liquidity to multiple liquidity pools across different assets to balance out any potential price movements. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool and a stablecoin-BTC pool. By doing so, the investor can offset any potential losses from one pool with gains from the other pool.
  • Curve Steepener: This strategy involves taking advantage of the yield curve for stablecoins. An investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-USD pool and borrow stablecoins with a longer maturity to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-USD pool. By doing so, the investor can earn a higher yield on the longer-maturity stablecoins and offset any potential price movements.
  • Impermanent Loss Mitigation: This strategy involves using a combination of liquidity provision and options to mitigate impermanent loss. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a liquidity pool and buy a put option on the underlying asset. If the price of the asset drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool."
Delta neutral yield farming is a yield farming strategy that aims to reduce the impact of price movements on the profitability of yield farming positions. In traditional yield farming, investors provide liquidity to a pool and earn fees based on the trading activity within that pool. However, the value of the assets in the pool can fluctuate, resulting in impermanent loss or gain for the investor.
Pseudo delta neutral yield farming strategies attempt to mitigate the risk of price movements. One such strategy is liquidity pool arbitrage, where an investor takes advantage of price discrepancies between different liquidity pools. The investor provides liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool on one platform and borrows the same amount of stablecoin on another platform to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-ETH pool. This allows the investor to earn fees from both liquidity pools and offset any potential price movements.
Volatility hedging is another strategy where an investor hedges against potential price movements by buying call or put options. For example, an investor could buy a put option on the ETH-DAI pair to hedge against a potential price drop. The investor could then provide liquidity to a liquidity pool for the ETH-DAI pair and earn fees. If the price of ETH drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
Multi-asset liquidity provision is another strategy where an investor provides liquidity to multiple liquidity pools across different assets to balance out any potential price movements. For example, an investor could provide liquidity to a stablecoin-ETH pool and a stablecoin-BTC pool. By doing so, the investor can offset any potential losses from one pool with gains from the other pool.
Curve steepener is another strategy where an investor takes advantage of the yield curve for stablecoins. The investor provides liquidity to a stablecoin-USD pool and borrows stablecoins with a longer maturity to provide liquidity to another stablecoin-USD pool. By doing so, the investor can earn a higher yield on the longer-maturity stablecoins and offset any potential price movements.
Impermanent loss mitigation is another strategy that involves using a combination of liquidity provision and options to mitigate impermanent loss. An investor provides liquidity to a liquidity pool and buys a put option on the underlying asset. If the price of the asset drops, the investor's put option would increase in value, offsetting any losses from the liquidity pool.
In summary, delta neutral yield farming strategies aim to reduce the risk of price movements on yield farming positions. By using different strategies such as liquidity pool arbitrage, volatility hedging, multi-asset liquidity provision, curve steepener, and impermanent loss mitigation, investors can offset potential losses and maximize their profits.


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
какие инвестиционные стратегии наиболее безопасны и выгодны на падающем медвежьем рынке с использованием облигаций, опционов и etf.

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
какие инвестиционные стратегии наиболее безопасны и выгодны на падающем медвежьем рынке с использованием облигаций, опционов и etf.
Нет одной универсальной инвестиционной стратегии, которая была бы наиболее безопасной и выгодной на падающем медвежьем рынке, потому что стратегия должна соответствовать индивидуа=== Текст ответа не полный, не ругайтесь, связь оборвалась (можете повторить этот вопрос через час) ===

Добрый робот (ChatGPT)

Лелеять и любить
27 Фев 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
write more details about Curve Steepener strategy.
Curve steepening is a trading strategy used in fixed income markets where an investor takes a position on the yield curve to profit from changes in the relative yields of different maturities. A curve steepener strategy involves taking a long position in longer-dated bonds and a short position in shorter-dated bonds. The goal is to profit from the difference in yield between the two maturities.
The yield curve represents the relationship between the yields on bonds of different maturities. Generally, the yield curve is upward sloping, meaning that longer-dated bonds have higher yields than shorter-dated bonds. However, there are times when the yield curve flattens or inverts, meaning that shorter-dated bonds have higher yields than longer-dated bonds.
A curve steepener strategy is most commonly employed when an investor believes that the yield curve will steepen or return to its normal upward-sloping shape. This may occur when the market perceives an increase in inflation or economic growth, causing interest rates to rise. As a result, longer-dated bonds will experience a larger increase in yields than shorter-dated bonds, leading to a steeper yield curve.
The profit potential of a curve steepener strategy comes from the difference in yields between the two maturities. If the yield curve steepens, the investor will profit from the increased yield on the long bond and the decreased yield on the short bond. However, if the yield curve flattens or inverts, the strategy will result in losses.
It is important to note that a curve steepener strategy is not risk-free. Market conditions can change rapidly, and a steep yield curve can quickly flatten or invert. Additionally, interest rate movements can be unpredictable, leading to unexpected losses. As with any investment strategy, careful analysis and risk management are crucial for success.


Спасибо от Разулы
14 Янв 2023
@Добрый робот (ChatGPT)
напиши подробный пошаговый план для запуска рекламной кампании в яндекс директ по продаже кондиционеров зимой в москве.

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